
We are dedicated to providing the public with fresh talent. It is our dream to make your dreams come true!

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Keeping Sane Throughout the Semester

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       This goes out to all the schoolers out there who strive  to maintain peace of mind every semester and feel extremely stressed while doing so. When it comes to scholastics study study study is the drill. It will only serve you best to create your own method to doing so. Because let's face it what works for some does not work for all. Firstly, keep a routine for your day and stick to it! When you are organized tasks can get done much easier. As far as retaining info, do not overload your brain; it does not help you to learn and brings on more frustration. As I stated before, find a method that is all you. Perhaps you would rather take things in doses: Take notes (key points only) and for every thirty minutes that you study, break for 5-10. Better yet, form a study group with some enthusiastic classmates. On the financial end, you must Budget Your Currency.  Expenses for what you need should be on the front burner. And most importantly, nurture yourself. Every two weeks or at least once a month, do something fun such as having lunch with a friend, going hiking, or meditating. Just as long as you feel great after doing so. Money can be short at times but having fun doesn't require it. School is right around the corner, Lets get it!!!

                                                                                -Khadijah (@_Deejaneiro)

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Intern Files

Hello Blogland,
 So, as promised here is my follow up blog post. School's in session and season's are changing! This is such an exciting part of fashion that I just adore. I notice that tribal prints are becoming very popular right now,and I just happen to looove it. You can wear it so many ways, and if you're brave wear a print on print (as i would do hehe). Tribal print really shows an eccentric style and the more the merrier but, don't out do yourself. you have to have a balance when wearing them because it's really an eye catcher. I try pairing with them nude or neutral colors. Just always remember to have fun with it and put your own spin on it, personality is key! Enjoy your Sunday loves.
 xoxo, tamika

Guess Who Tied the Knot??????

ABC's The View has been a long time favorite for us at TQ. Well Thursday night co- host Joy Behar tied the knot to her beau Steve of 29 years. She announced back in '09 that she was engagged, however the engaggement didn't last due to cold feet. If you have been keeping up with the show you also know that co- host Sherry Sheppard is also engagged to be married very soon.

I"m not the least bit surprised at this. It just makes me appreciate the humor or Joy even more. We here at TQ wish Joy and Steve the best in their marriage

xoxo Q

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Artist Spotlight-'Will' (@The Illistrater)

Born in Cleveland, Ohio but bred in Atlanta, William Moore, better known as "Will" to his fans instills a genuine sound and relatability within his music. His first album Stoned on Marta, released in the fall of 2010 delivers tales of a young man who was obviously growing up. The album offers a mature sound & flow favored by hip hop lovers. His tune ‘Freshman Year’ featuring Calhoun, recalls nostalgic memories about the non stressful early college years. On the tracks ‘Almost Famous’ and ‘Lurk Mode’ which features Ethereal, another talented member of his musical family Thumbs Up ATL, life on the come up is the focus while the strive to create a better living is pursued. Leaving no subject untouched, his song ‘Sex On The Ceiling’ provides a sensual yet mind joggling experience for the ladies and songs like P.A.R.T.Y (featuring Freeman) and Toast to the Occasion allude to having a damn good time.

Just how did this young man become so talented? Thru experience. Growing up through the eyes of a single mom, Will maintained a favorable academic record and acquired skills in quite a few instruments despite having to attend several schools.  Plans on continuing schooling in the performing arts eventually gave way to the realization that he wanted to improve his overall being in an alternative way. Creating music and writing rhymes became his dominant outlet and before long he would become a part of the undeniably talented Thumbs Up ATL family. Among his extremely varied influences are Webbie, Lupe Fiasco, Eminem & Cam’ron. Similarly, his song themes and lyrical flows differ from track to track.

Maintaining consistency he released his latest album ‘Stoned in a Stang’ last month and offers hip-hop lovers blatant and thought provoking lyrics amongst intriguing beats. To feel exactly where he is coming from listen to ‘A Day in the Life,’ which features Keith Charles Spacebar.  If you want motivation there’s the self-explanatory track titled ‘Do Somethin’, as well as ‘Point A’ & ‘Stoned in a Stang.’ For the mellow soul there’s ‘N-N-N Out,’ a more intimate vibe, featuring Micah Freeman and ‘We Need to Talk’ which details the ambivalent emotions felt in a dying relationship.

Each track on both albums will resonate within the listener given that the artist’s thoughts and feelings are all too real. Although he has come a long way, he is nowhere near finished. Once you have experienced his works, you will understand that the music he makes is more than mere words over beats but rather a distinguished and overflowing talent that had no other destiny but to be expressed.  

 Look, Listen, Love: Almost Famous Music Video

Hear real music on http://justwill.bandcamp.com

                                                               -Khadijah (@_DEEJAneiro)

Monday, August 8, 2011

Just some images to stir your mind!

Tip #11: Email Blast

Email makes the world go around. Imagine your life without the wonderful technology of email! Use this tool for a way to reach out to your current customer and hopefully gain some new customers. Whenever you any new products send an email out to your database. Also this is a great way just to keep in touch with your customers! See what they are up to and how you can hopefully provide them with more of your services/products!


A letter from Our Latest Addition:

Hello World,
    Let me first start off by introducing myself, my name is Tamika Bashir. I am currently a senior at Westlake High and just beame the newest intern here, at the wonderful TQ branding! I am very excited to be apart of the team, not to mention very honored. Everything that they do here is just spectacular and very inspiring, and I hope to start on some new great projects here(let me stop rambling though.) With these posts I will telling you all about my adventures here at TQ, and write my give or take on new fashion trends etc. So be on the lookout for more posts and enjoy your Sunday everyone!


Saturday, August 6, 2011

Check This out!!

This past Friday I met this amazing woman named Sandee... her story is like no other. Soon I will do an interview with her. For now just check out her website!!



Tip #10: Reach out to Students

Here at TQ Branding we have currently taken on two new interns and they are wonderful. As a starting venture you may not have the funds to pay an established professional, but do not worry! Interns are here. There are many positives to having an internship program, but the number one reason is that these young adults bring fresh ideas to your venture. Their minds are not yet tainted with the hardships of the world and they are open to ideas that you would have never imagined yourself!

There is one rule you must remember though: Always treat your interns like GOLD!! We have all been the intern and it is not an easy job. You are striving for FREE. Your intern has the upper hand. They are helping YOU out.... for no pay. Appreciate them and also help them grow so that hopefully one day they can become a permanent strong member of your team!